Zine (n):
pronounced "zeen"A zine is a self-published, non-commercial print-work that is typically produced in small, limited batches. Zines are created and bound in many DIY ways, but traditionally editions are easily reproduced—often by crafting an original “master flat,” and then photocopying, folding, and stapling the pages into simple pamphlets.
People who create zines [“zinesters”] are likely to be more motivated by self-expression and artistic passion than they are by profit: zines are usually inexpensive and sometimes distributed for free or in trade for other zines, goods, and services.
Moving from Architecture to Urban Design, I lost the habit of practicing small residential scales. During covid, I started sketching again. And my intuition made me explore house plans and microarchitectures. After cumulating a few house concepts, I began to make it a small production, taking the format of a Zines series. I like the Zine format because its limited number of pages encourages the communication of a concept in short series of small and explicit illustrations. I hope it will invite readers to immerse themselves in these cozy and tailored cocoons.
Cargo Collective, Inc. Los Angeles, Calif.